#!/usr/bin/bash -eu echo =============================== echo Starting deploy. deploy_path="$HOME" dummy_home="./home" cd "$(dirname "$0")" dummy_home_abs=$(pwd)/home additional_list="" while read line; do folder_path=$(dirname "$line") file=$(basename "$line") folder_path=${folder_path:6} if [[ "$folder_path" != "" ]]; then mkdir -p "$deploy_path""$folder_path" fi config_path="$dummy_home_abs""$folder_path"/"$file" desired_path="$deploy_path""$folder_path"/"$file" if [[ "$file" == *".fof" ]]; then desired_path=${desired_path::-4} fi if [[ "$folder_path" == *"additional.d"* ]]; then if [[ "$additional_list" != *"$folder_path"* ]]; then additional_list+='\n\n'"$folder_path" fi already_deployed="-" if [[ -L "$desired_path" ]]; then already_deployed="+" fi additional_list+='\n'"$already_deployed""$file" else if [[ "$file" != *".fof" && ( -L "$desired_path" || ( ! -f "$desired_path" && ! -d "$desired_path" ) ) ]]; then ln -sf "$config_path" "$desired_path" else if [[ ( -f "$desired_path".deploy_backup || -d "$desired_path".deploy_backup ) ]]; then rm -r "$desired_path".deploy_backup fi if [[ ( -f "$desired_path" || -d "$desired_path" ) ]]; then mv -T "$desired_path" "$desired_path".deploy_backup fi if [[ "$file" == *".fof" ]]; then echo Deploying fire and forget config: "$desired_path" cp "$config_path" "$desired_path" else echo Path exists, moved to filename.deploy_backup: "$desired_path" ln -sf "$config_path" "$desired_path" fi fi fi done < <(find "$dummy_home" -type f) mkdir -p "$HOME"/.cache/zsh echo echo =============================== echo Deploy finished. echo echo =============================== echo Additional configs to consider: additional_list=${additional_list:4} echo -e "$additional_list"